

Hi there. Its me. Shannon.

So it is summertime now. 
And you know what I think about summertime? 
Its annoying when you work full time...
But is also the best time ever.

See.. the thing is.. being an adult with a full time real job, is really the best and the worst. It is the best because you finally have enough money to do all the things you want to do!! yayyyy!
But.. you don't have any of the time.. 
What is that all about???

I think.. it is all about perspective. 
I mean, everyone can have a crappy day.. whats stopping you from having a great one?

I mean...

As i sit here on the back porch, drinking my beer, i am thinking about all the little things that make me happy right now.

First off, i really like my deck chairs, they are the perfect height where my feet hit perfectly on the ground, and they have the perfect backrest with a pillow so i can just sit back and relax. 

From my perch in my amazing lawn chair, i can see the lights i just put up on my back porch, i strung them just right so i have a miniature backyard wonderland at my condo that it almost makes me think of the backyard that they have on parenthood.. (is anyone else upset that they made them sell that amazing house?? i mean WHAT IS THAT)

But back to my back porch... I am sitting here.. in my perfect chairs with my freaking amazing lights drinking a cold beer and watching as my dog sprints around after squirrels that she cant get because she is on a rope because she likes to run away and it is just amazing weather.

And you have to think to yourself.. life is pretty good.

Life is pretty good.

Its all about perspective? Why do i let myself get so down about stupid stuff when all i gotta do is walk outside, take a few breaths and relish in the fact, that I.. Shannon... am an amazing lawn chair picker. 

Hope you all are enjoying summer!! :)


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