
wish i was here...

I want to go camping so badly...

Where do you wish you were today??

Play Along with Olivia Here...


Books for Summer...

Here are some books I really want to read this summer...

Any other suggestions!?

I love summer reading. It is the best feeling ever to just relax in the sun and read. 
I love summer! 


Happy Birthday, Will!!

I love love love you sooo much!
I am so proud of the man you have become!
Can't wait to come visit you on Friday!
Happy 22nd Birthday!


i love you daddyo

Happy Father's Day!
Thanks for teaching us, by example, how to be thoughtful, generous, loving people. 
i love you so much! 


fill in the blank friday...

1.   The last movie I saw was   The Princess & The Frog. My little niece is over and we are eating some cap'n crunch and watching some princess movies. It is an amazing Friday! .

2.  I want to    Go camping! I have been asking Erik allll spring! And now.. it is almost summer and we still haven't gone! I want to go so badly! I might just have to plan it and ask him along. .

3.  Surprises are     fun if you are in the mood, but terrible if you are not! It is horrible when you get surprised to do something you don't want to do... or surprised by someone when you aren't in the mood to entertain. OH geez... I sound like a scrooge.

4.  The best accessory is  a pair of earrings that have enough wow factor to make a t-shirt look fancy!

5.  My favorite warm drink is    coffee! Never underestimate the power of a yummy coffee and a challenging crossword puzzle! 

6.  My favorite cold drink is       beer. or white wine. or a glass of water...depending on my mood .

7.  Currently loving   that most of my family is home! It is so nice to have everyone in the same city as me, having fun and enjoying ourselves. I am also loving that my little niece is over! but not that she just dumped cap'n crunch all over the floor... 


who wouldn't wanna live in albuquerque?

Check out this amazing house! I want to move to Albuquerque! It is only $325,500. And so pretty! Check it out here.

I have been thinking so much lately about how fun it would be to start an amazing adventure with Erik. As much as I love, love, love Portland and my family... I think it would be amazing to move to a new city and explore life with Erik. I would want to end up back in Portland when I have kids, because I want them to be around all their grandparents, because I never was. But...I think for at least 5 years or so, it would be really fun to live in another city and just make a life with Erik. A new adventure. hmmmm. And lately, I have been really obsessed with New Mexico. I just think it looks so beautiful there! And it is an entirely new color palate. Oregon is blue, green, and grey... sea tones. And New Mexico is orange, red, yellow, and brown... fire tones.
Where would you want to move??


fill in the blank friday...

1.   This weekend I'm so excited that Katie and Will are in town...  and we're going to play beer pong and chill! I am so excited! 

2.  My last vacation was  when I went to Florida with Erik, my bro Will, my mom and my grandparents and aunt Karol. it was sooooo fun! We went t Disney, Harry Potter, and Universial and enjoyed the warm weather! Takkkke me back there!

3.  My next vacation will be   to Alaska to visit Jessyka and Jonah! I am so excited to see their life! I cannot wait! And the beautiful landscape!  .

4.  My favorite way to relax is take out and re-runs of Grey's, Law &Order SVU or Friday Night lights! I love just chillin at home in my pajamas with my husband. 

5.  When vacationing one should always    plan a few days, but have a few days for just hanging out. That way you can choose in the morning if you want to  do something adventurous or just hang out at the hotel. It always sucks when you are bored or vacation.... or overwhelmed.

6.  When vacationing one should never veto things. I hate it when you are on vacation with someone and you suggest things to do and they veto them! Come on... you're on vacation.. have fun! 
7.  The best part about a vacation is   how you feel like nothing matters, you are away and you just get to have a good time and forget about all your worries! 


Toms Has Heels!

mmm look at these pretties I just got in the mail! 
 Erik bought them for me for my Birthday.. Best husband ever!

Check out all the pretties at Toms.
And while you're at it.. Save the World. 
For every pair of Toms bought... they donate a pair to a child in need. 


Mmmm. Wing Sauce...

So, I do not eat a lot of meat. I basically only eat fish... and buffalo wings... And I have recently come to realize that it is actually because I am insanely obsessed with the taste of wing sauce. So... I am going to do an experiment... If I buy veggie chicken strips... then cover them in either Buffalo Wild Wings Spicy Garlic Sauce... or Fire on the Mountain Buffalo Lime Cilantro.. will they be as good? I'll lectha know how it goes...

Is there anything you have sworn not to eat.. but just can't give up??

P.S. If you live in Portland... Check out Fire On The Mountain.. because it is the best wing place ever!


what i wouldn't give...

I love love love a great view. And I believe that the view of boats or water, from your window, would be one of the most relaxing things in the world. Someday, I would love it if Erik and I lived on the coast, and had a view of the water from our bedroom. I love these rooms and their beautiful views!


fill in the blank friday...

1.   I love  reality tv and romantic novels because they take your brain away from everything else that is going on. I can be the most stressed of my life and I just need to watch one episode of "Khloe and Lamar" or my used to be favorite "The Hills" and it was like my brain took a nap for 30 minutes. :)

2.  A time that mama knew best was  when she told me that you fall in and out of love with people all the time... but once you find the right one... you will always feel a sense of family with them that you know you are in the right place. I felt like my husband was my family within the first month I met him... I knew we were supposed to be together. 

3.  My first kiss went a little like this  i actually can't even remember the logistics of my very first kiss. But my first kiss with Erik was super awkward... We bumped noses and faces then I stepped on his foot... all in a matter of 15 seconds. 

4.  My celebrity crush is  Zach Gilford from "Friday Night Lights" and "Off The Map"... he is just so goofy and cute.

5.  My splurge of choice is    clothes... not so much that I buy expensive ones... but that I want to buy new ones all the time. Recently I have been splurging a lot on jewelry too.. And always.. Sushi. I love love love it and it doesn't come cheap .

6.  My biggest accomplishment is  I have a lot of different accomplishments... Like, graduating college, choosing to go back to school and getting an internship, and my relationship with Erik, we are always trying hard to make each other happy.

7.  My dance jam of choice is  Lady Gaga all the wayyyyyyy! And "No Scrubs" by TLC and "Pocket Full of Sunshine" by Natasha Bedingfield. 


wish i was here...

i wish my cube at work looked like this....
that would be really amazing...
i would feel so at ease! 

where do you wish you were today??
play along with olivia at For Me...


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