
New Phase...

So, I hate having anxiety.

And the fear of the unknown is something that I have an intense issue with. And this week has shown me that I am having trouble conquering it. I quit my job to be able to focus on my studies because I need to be prepared for my internship this summer. But it is so hard to focus when you feel like you have no idea what you are even doing! I am probably exaggerating, I do know what I am doing or else I would have never gotten this internship. But it is so hard to focus on the task at hand when you are fearful of it. 

So... I must conquer the fear. Take control of my life. And give myself a schedule. 

Wish me luck!

By the way... has anyone else been noticing that blooms have been popping up all over Oregon.. I love this tree. Its giving me positive energy by already blooming even though its dreary out.

So Thanks! 
Also, Yoga tonight! I cannot wait! 


Long Necklaces

I am realizing that I love long necklaces.. so much!
They add so much to a basic t-shirt or dress! 
Here are some I love!
Forever 21 

Pretty, Pretty!


Spring Garden

Spring time is coming!
I am so excited! Therefore I keep thinking about building this year's garden. I am trying to think about which foods we love to eat all the time and small recipes that can be made easily with fresh herbs and vegetables. 

In our garden, I for sure want to include:

  • bell Peppers
  • cilantro
  • tomatoes (my favorite food)
  • cucumbers
  • lettuce
  • basil
  • rosemary
  • carrots 
  • garlic
Any other vegetables/herbs you think I should include??

Think of Spring: Healthy Garden Salad


End of Bed Benches

So, being in Orlando, we are staying at a Hilton
that at the end of every bed there is a bench. It has made me realize that in our future master bedroom... we must have a bench at the end of the bed. Not only is it convenient to sit on, but it makes the room look so much more glamorous! I love it!

P.S. I love the patterned ones... but I am not sure I would rock those. Maybe a white one, I am all about white linens and furniture in the bedroom... calm and fabulous.


Follow Meee!

So, life has been crazy for about two weeks now. I am sure I will post about why in the future but right now I am not feeling too much like sharing. But.... I would really love it if people would FOLLOW ME! In the last two weeks, I have talked to a lot of people and a lot of people have told me that they read my blog all the time but that they do not follow me  because they do not know how! 

It is EASY!
Go to the section of my blog that says "Follow me, It only takes a Second" And it will show you all the different ways you can follow!

You know you want to!

And a special shout out to my Aunt Karol and Mandie Murphy who both started following me this week!
MORE posts to come soon!



Braid Love

{images via Erin Ever After}

I love love love these braided hairstyles! 
They look so effortless.. 
but, I do not know how to french braid.
I must learn!
Any Tips??


Spring Break: Anthropologie

A week from today I will be on a plane headed for Orlando, Florida.
Where the Temperature is 79 degrees and sunny.
When it is 43 degrees and raining here.
Here are a few things from Anthropologie that I wish..
would stow away in my suitcase.


I love Exposed Brick!
I think exposed brick is so amazing. It adds so much character to the room. I hope that some day I will have exposed brick in my kitchen... my bedroom.. my living room... I mean.. a girl can dream.

p.s. sorry I have been a slacker on my blog. I have been so stressed and busy and it has just taken a back seat. So, I hope to do better! Have a great Thursday! 


I Have...

Bieber Fever....

Today I went and saw the Justin Bieber movie because i was curious about how they made a movie about a 16 year old that's 2 hours long. Needless to say, I came out with a case of Bieber Fever. And I am sure that's exactly why they made the movie... but it worked. This kid is so talented and also very nice and seems to not be affected by all the crazy instant fame.. So just wanted to share that I like Justin Biber, and bought his second album. booyah.


Life Changes

It is insane how much your life can change in one week. Last week I found out that I got an internship at Intel Corporation in accounting which is an extremely exciting opportunity that I hope will transform into a career when the summer is over. Then I got in a car accident and my car was totaled. The car I have had since I started driving 8 years ago. Then, I put my notice in at work so that I can brush up on all my accounting before my internship starts. It is crazy how much stress and relief all of this is bringing me at the same time and how much it has overwhelmed me. I cannot wait until it all simmers down so it can actually sink in. Ah!

Thinking of getting a Dodge Challenger to replace my car... What do you think?


Wish I was here Wednesday...

Orlando, Florida

 I wish we were on our trip to Orlando, Florida where we will be in 3 weeks. I cannot wait to sit out by the pool at the hotel and relax. We are also going to go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! I cannot wait! To play along with Olivia, just hit the button below. Where do you wish you were today??


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