Happiness Experiment

The Happiness Experiment is something that I have been thinking about for years. Someone once told me, I cannot remember who, that you have to choose happiness as a vocation. This means that you would need to choose to be happy on a daily basis, and on somedays even an hourly basis. This also means that you have to be truly honest with yourself about what makes you happy easily and what you need to do in order to make the situations that make happiness hard in order to make them a time that you choose happiness. I have started this experiment because I found times that I choose happiness over lets say, crabbiness, and the days ended up being even better than happy days because I overcame obstacles to get to that happy point. 
So, this blog also has been helping me in this aspect of my life, to blog about those trying times and also those times when pure joy just came easily. Hope you enjoy reading it! 


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