
Fill in the Blank Friday

Play along at The Little Things We Do
1.   I am looking forward to  starting my internship. I cannot wait to leave the house everyday and be on a mission. I want to learn as much as I possibly can and try to be the best I can be. I want so badly to get back into being exhausted at the end of the day because I know I did a good job. Also, I cannot wait to dress for a business casual office and make some money at the same time.
2.  Something kind of embarrassing that I still love anyway is...well the thing is.. I don't really get embarrassed very often about things I like. I usually just enjoy them and I don't really care about what other people think. But, I think the thing that people think I should be the most embarrassed for is my love for all boy band music. I love N*Sync, BSB, NKOTB, 98 degrees... and Justin Bieber. I know he is not a boy band.. but I love him anyways. 
3.  My favorite car is  well, right now I would have to say my favorite car is my new Ford Escape! It is the most luxurious car I have ever driven and it is a nice feeling knowing that Erik and I bought it together and have to come together to make payments on it each month. But, I do have to say... I have never seen an Audi that I didn't think was beautiful. 
4.  If I could pick one type of weather to live with for the rest of my life it would be I would have to say, beginning of the spring/summer in Oregon. When it is sunny all day and about 70-75 degrees out. Before it gets too hot because I don't like being sweaty or sunburnt, but when it is so nice that you just feel like throwing a Frisbee and drinking an ice cold beer. I would love that.
5.  My favorite thing to do after a bad/stressful day is, go out to dinner with family and/or friends, get an appetizer and some cocktails. I love the whole theatrics of going out to dinner. Everyone meets up and can order whatever kind of food they want, and usually I try to convince myself to dress up a little more and pretend to be a grown up. 
6.  This weekend I would really like to go on a "weekend adventure" no matter how little it is. I would like to go down to the Saturday Farmers Market in Portland and walk around. Hopefully it will be sunny. Then after that... I will have to finish a midterm I am working out and fast for a medical test on Monday. Ew. 

7.  If I were a color, I'd be  Emerald Green or Royal Blue because, I think that they are the two most beautiful colors. They are jewel tones and can really stand their own wherever they may be. Also, because both remind me of very distinct colors of nature, blue being the ocean which I would love to live by someday and green being the color of fir trees which I love to look at through the window in my office everyday.


Life Quotations...

This quote is very interesting to me. It, in a way, tells us that we need to just roll with the punches and let life take its way with us. But does this really make sense? Is this saying that we should not have a life plan? Not try our best at the things that we feel are important because the plan has already been set out for us? I don't know about anyone else, but lately, I have been worried about all of this. I am worried about just letting things happen and just hoping and praying that everything works out. 

For my whole life I have been pretty go with the flow, just having a good time and hoping that everything would work out. But now that I am married, I cannot even imagine just hoping everything will work out... for example, people who believe that you will have kids when you are meant to. Does that mean that you don't have a say in when that is? that you are not supposed to take precautions? I, for one, along with Erik think that that is something that needs to be strategically planned. As does, work, school, and life in general. 

Yeah, some things should be left up to chance, but if you leave everything left up to chance... will you end up with nothing? unless you happen to be lucky? 

I am not trying to be a doubter or pretend to know anything about fate and life plans. But I am scared to think that we are just supposed to surrender completly and just wait for things to happen to us. Maybe I am reading into all of this wrong. But, Hmm.. maybe I do just need to wait and pray on it and hope everything works out. 

We'll see what happens. 



You know you're a nerd when:

1. you memorized the bar-code on your library card because you put books on hold so often.
2. You get the chills when you know you will get to go office supply shopping
3. You pride yourself on determining the killer and motive before the detectives on CSI, Law & Order, and every other crime drama that's ever on.
4. Your idea of an amazing Saturday night is sitting at home with a glass of red wine and your.... library book
5. Whenever you stumble onto a new hobby.. you feel the need to research every little thing about it

Here are just some of the things about me that are super nerdy...

What do you do that is very nerdy??


Happiness Experiment: Spring

So, the last couple of days have been beautiful.

First, Friday and Saturday were so sunny and warm that I even wore a tank top for awhile. 

Then Sunday, was beautiful with family all together and rain that just took over. (I love rain though). 

But even when the weather isn't cooperating... 

I have realized that happiness is totally what you make of it.
You choose your battles, choose your activities.

So. I choose: 

*more date nights with my husband
*more lesuirely reading time, right now I am reading two books:

* making accounting notecards so I am not stuck at home studying, I can do it anywhere.. including sitting outside
* Fresh cut flowers
* Cooking with fresh vegetables and eating fresh fruit
* Spring dresses and attempting jeggings? 
* Going camping and golfing
* drinking lots of coffee 
* figuring out how to successfully stay faithful to an exercise regimen
* 7/11 Slurpees
* Sunglasses 
* Exploring new restaurants, especially ones with outdoor seating

What do you have planned for Spring??


Easter Inspiration

So recently, I have been at home doing work toward studying and homework and I have realized that I need more than that to keep me sane. So, I have decided that I need to plan our Easter dinner celebration. I am excited. Here is some inspiration!

Pray for Sun on Sunday!


Inexpensive Spring Dresses

I know that when I think of spring.. the first thing that comes to mind is sun dresses. And I think.. you can't get enough. So with Forever 21, being so inexpensive... you gotta love it. 

All Under 25 bucks!


Dream Green Kitchens

Since green is a color that represents growth, new life, and being prosperous, it totally fits with being a mood color for a kitchen. I love these green kitchens and how they just look so inviting and in a way, healthy.


Plus, who can ever deny a booth in the kitchen? AMAZING.


Dogtooth Tonight!

Music Player web

Tonight my friend Jason Oppat and his band Dogtooth, are playing at:

Alberta Street Public House
1036 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR

Doors open at 9pm.
This is a benefit show for Jason and his roommate, whose house got broken into a couple of days ago. 
Come check them out! 
You won't be dissappointed.


The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.

-Marcel Proust


How cool does this look???

While this is nothing like I have been doing... See, I have been riding the exercise bike while watching Grey's Anatomy reruns or reading my book. 
But it still turns my legs to jello. I used to be really into working out, or at least I was into competitive sports, and therefore training. But after a couple years of not really worrying about anything but school, work, and having a good time. My exercise regimen went out the window. 
But... Yesterday I biked 8.3 miles, and today I biked 13. 24 miles. 
So. Yay me!


Saja Wedding

I know my wedding is over...
but it hasn't ended my love for wedding fashion..

Pretty, Pretty, Princess Dresses!
I love this Collection by Saja

And some amazing bridesmaid dresses...
that I am sure no one would mind wearing/owning...


You will recognize your own path when you come upon it, because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need.
-- Jerry Gillies


Outdoor Rooms

Since it has been cold in Oregon lately...
I have been dreaming of living somewhere warmer...
or it being summer at the Oregon Coast...
Here are some amazing outdoor rooms.. 
That make me want to just sit back, relax, and enjoy! 


Wish I was here Wednesday...

Relaxing in the sun with a cocktail and a book..

or some good company.

Wish I was here!

Linking up with Olivia.. Check her blog out here.


Movie Review

Great movie!
The love story/coming of age story was pretty much the same as "Coyote Ugly" but the music and dancing in this movie were insane!
Christina Aguilera is such an amazing singer!

So... go see it! 
By the way, wish I was in as good of shape as all those dancers.. DAMN.


New Space Inspiration!

After studying at the library for four hours today, I realized that I need to get to work on my home office. My mom and I cleaned out a side bedroom this weekend and it is just begging to become my home for the next two months. So, operation home office.. begin.

First things, first. Inspiration.
Next.. make Erik help me move the love seat from our apartment in here.
After that, set up record player left behind by Jessyka.
Listen to music.

Then.. Study. Admire office.


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