

Date Night Tonight!

Volleyball practice for tonight got cancelled so Erik and I are going to go on a much needed date! I miss going on dates all the time.. Erik and I used to go on a date at least once a week and since school started I don't think we've even been on one... so sad! So tonight, date night! Yay! 
Sushi then Parenthood and Grey's! 
We're loving married life! 

Listening to: "Bixby Canyon Bridge" Death Cab For Cutie


Decorating Update

I realized I never put up a picture of the new way our fireplace is decorated! Finally put the mirror up about 5 months ago and it looks great! Awesome. 

Word of the Day Wednesday!

Today when I was logging on to write about "Win the Lottery Wednesday" I realized that I was having a really hard time thinking of something. Sure, there are lots of things we would do if Erik and I won the lottery, but its stuff like: pay off student loans, buy a house, pay off our parent's houses, buy Erik and my dad new cars. Its stuff that isn't very exciting and will run out very quickly. Therefore, I decided instead I will do a "Word of the Day Wednesday" which will be much more educational, fun, not money orientated, and will never run out of material (at least not as long as I have this blog realistically). So. To Start off a new wednesday tradition we'll start with....

Webster's dictionary defines it as: "the quality or state of being happy: good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy"

I think that these are very good definitions because happiness can come from all different things, all different times, and can be either a flippant simple moment or a serious, earth shattering moment. I think everyone needs to lower their expectations about the earth shattering moments and just enjoy the simple little bouts of happiness that can happen throughout the day! I strive for happiness everyday and the days that I can't quite achieve it because I am in a bad or sad mood are the worst. I am trying to make those days be very few and far between. 

Good luck to everyone else striving for happiness!

Listening to "Holiday From Real" Jacks Mannequin 

Win The Lottery Wednesday!

If I won the lottery today the first thing I would buy would be an XBOX 360 for my Husband!
He wants one really badly and I wish we could just buy one and not worry about everything else we need to pay for! Ugh!


Gimme These Rainboots!

Awesome rain boots shaped like different kinds of shoeeees! So fuuuun!


Wish I Had More Time

I wish I had more time. I work full time, go to school online, and coach a 6th grade girls volleyball team three days a week. It is exhausting and is really wearing me out. This week has been insane with the kids being crazy, finding out annoying news about my school loans, going to Eugene midweek, and now trying to get all my homework done on saturday and sunday which I usually use to clean, go grocery shopping, do laundry, and hang out in my spare time. I am trying to figure out if its just this week, or I need to make a change. I think I will not make any rash decisions until January, but maybe if I am still feeling really out of control, I will get a part time job instead of full time. But in the time being... here are some ideas for some quick dinners!

Pita Pizza

Black Bean Burritos
Veggie Sandwich
Listening to: Erik watching the Michigan State vs. Northwestern Game. Go State! 


Honeymoon Pictures

Just some pictures from the honeymoon. Way too many to put them all on here! But here is a glimpse!
We spent the first three days on Oahu then spent five days on the Big Island on the Kona side. Can't wait to go back again!

@Cheeseburger in Oahu

Outside our hotel in Oahu

At Dole Pineapple

Pineapple Express at the Dole Plantation

At Pearl Harbor

Erik at Pearl Harbor

Where we ate lunch one day on Oahu

At the Canoe Club

Night Time Walk on the Beach

Kona Brewing, where birds sit at your table.

At Kona Brewing
@Kona Brewing

Erik's Beer Sampler

Erik's Double Moco Loco

At the Rainforest Zoo in Hilo

At the Rainforest Zoo

At the Rainforest Zoo

Before the Luau

Erik Learning to play the counch shell

After the Luau Open Bar

Walking back after the Luau

North Shore of Oahu

A special thank you to my parents for helping make this amazing honeymoon possible! We don't know what we would do without you. We love you! 


Win The Lottery Wednesday

If I won the lottery I would be on a flight to Italy right now.
Look at this place!


Pumpkin Patch!

Erik and I went to the pumpkin patch with my brother Will  and our newly engaged friends Jenny and Scott! It was really fun! Check out the pictures! 

Will and Erik
Scott and his pumpkin!
Jenny and I
Jenny and her pumpkin!
Erik and I
Jenny and Scott
Will, Erik, and I
Erik and Scott
Jenny, Scott, Will, and Erik
Will and I
Will and Pumpkins!
Will and Erik

Awesome Day! 
Listening to: "Summer's Gone" -Aberfeldy


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