1. What I love most about my home is the way that when you are here, nothing matters as much. You can be sitting on the couch reading a book or watching a movie and not feel lazy. Also, I love my bedroom that my husband painted gray for me and I got to spruce up with a large with mirror and beautiful linens.
2. I'm excited because, it is Friday, my cousin and uncle will be here tonight, and I am throwing a mothers day dinner/ get together party on Sunday and using MarthaStewart.com for inspiration! I hope it turns out looking as good as it does in my head!
3. My preferred method for blowing off steam when I'm frustrated is to be completely honest, usually I pick fights with my husband. But it usually works out because then once he calms me down, because he is an amazing man, we go on a date or he helps me make dinner.
4. Currently I am craving warm weather... It was nice for a few random days here but now it is back to the cloudy skies and mid-50s. I want sun and heat!
5. The thing I love most about my mom is I love how my mom can be doing a million things and still thinking a million things at the same time. I think it is amazing how much she loves her family and how no matter how much she has going on in her own life she is still thinking about all of us constantly and how she can make our lives easier. Also, she has a great sense of humor. Love you mom!
6. If I was going to write a book about my life, the title would be "The Happiness Experiment", because I am trying everyday to figure out how to no matter what... be happy! Because, the world gets everyone down, and I wasn't born an optimist, so I strive to be one! :)
7. If I were to eat one thing for the rest of eternity it would be Tomatoes... But that might be hard if I had nothing to eat them with. I think it would be vegetables and tomatoes. Or pasta with tomatoes, or chips and fresh salsa... Oh man, I don't think I could ever just eat one thing for the rest of my life. I love food way too much!