
Awkward things.
Don't you hate it when you go to work and you're in a meting, and your boss says, lets all go around and explain something.. Maybe its specific to the group your support or a project you're working on..

But i swear.. im always last. And i am thinking the whole time.. cant wait till they get to me... i have such a good answer Im so prepared...

And without fail.. they get to the person before me and say, "Im not sure we need to do everyone" orrrr "I think i get the picture"

I mean, whhhhhhaaaaattt!? 
How awkward is that!? 
I'm the only one you don't want to hear aboout!?

So.. in honor of having a buncha awkward stuff happen at work.. i came home and awkwardly took photos of myself for the blog!



  1. I love that Polly is awkwardly around you just chillin' in the amazingly awkward moment.


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