I seriously need yoga to make its way back into my life. I don't think there has ever been a time when I thought about yoga more than I have this whole week, but I have been having headaches and feeling so fatigued that I have not even attempted to go to class or even practice on my own.
Does anyone know a good way to create a habit of doing yoga everyday??
Or good books/cds to help withhome practice??
Because I am in a serious rut right now, wanting to practice and feeling as if it is necessary but not bringing myself to do it.
HELP ME! I need inspiration!
I think going to a class is the best, because then you get away from everything that is stressing you at home. But if you just have twenty minutes to spare, I suggest Rodney Yee videos. He's so great! I think I might have stolen all of his videos from our house though.. sorry.