My friend Amanda and I went to yoga last night, and i just have to say one thing... Yoga is my new crush.
The hour and a half we spent at the studio was just so peaceful, you focus completely on yourself and just stretch your body to places you didn't know it could go.
Last night, I choose my intention to be looking forward into the near year. And as I took a breath in, i breathed in 2014 and as the exhale left my body, i thought 2013.
This year is going to be different, this year, my new years resolution is to take care of me, stop worrying so much about everyone and everything else. If you don't take are of yourself first, you cannot even hope to take care of others.
So thats my intention, breathe in, breathe out. Be mindful, take your time, live for yourself so you can be healthy enough to live for others.