

Just feeling so blah and uninspired lately... 
So sorry. Hopefully I will be back soon. 


I am in love....

...with these boots!

I think they might have to be my splurge for Fall...
They are the Frye Harness boots...
Find them here.


Book Club!

I loved this book!
Loved, Loved, Loved!

I am such a sucker for novels that take place in Europe, especially those that an American goes to Europe to find themselves. 

When I went to Italy the summer after my freshmen year of college with my family, and when I went to the South of France with my sister in May after my last year of college were so eye opening to me. I love Europe so much and I think it has such an old traditional feel that is so different from the US. When you get there you feel as if you have been transformed into a new person. You become happy and light hearted, everything is about exploration and learning a new way of life. It is freeing and enlightening.

This book is especially that, a woman going to France after a tragedy in her life and finding herself. It is an amazing read and I encourage you all to pick it up!!

What are you reading??


fill in the blanks...

1.   One thing that is completely superfluous, but that I could never give up is     I cannot really think of anything for this... I am actually a pretty easy going person and I usually stop something if I think it is unnecessary.

2.    Sweating in public      makes me feel awkward.

3.  I can't    sleep   without,Erik being by me, or at least having him say good night to me.

4.    Chocolate covered pretzels and edamame  are my favorite snack.

5.  Lately I've been    playing volleyball and realizing how very much I missed it when I wasn't playing on a regular basis.

6.  If at first you don't succeed    keep trying... or trust that God has a different plan for you and move on.

7.  Fall is    my favorite time of the year! I love the leaves changing, the sweaters, the crisp air, and of course... that office supplies are on sale :) .

Play along here


new seasons!

I cannot wait for TV fall lineups to start again!!
Grey's Anatomy

And I am excited for some new shows!!

Charlie's Angels
Pan Am

What will you be watching this Fall???


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